Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mold Me, Make Me, Use Me

Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
~Romans 9:21
I've always taken from this story that He is the potter and I am the clay. God is constantly working in our lives molding us to what He wants us to be and using us for His glory. Today, I look at this verse read it over and think..."How can some Christians be considered noble and others common?" My thinking is in relation to dining ware, noble being the fine china for holidays, and common paper plates. As I've continued thinking we are all used all the time, so noble and common have got to mean something else...and they do...Noble is what we as humans tend to elevate to a higher status, someone who is more in the public eye (pastors, lay people, deacons, etc...) or working in a mission field...That leaves the rest of us to be considered "common". This verse tells us "HEY! you are made from the same thing!!" We all have our different purposes, but our creator is the the end the only thing appraisers really for is the makers mark. Our God is the best designer there could ever be!


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