Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Verse for the Day
21Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.
- Matthew 6:21 NLT

When I think about a treasure I always think of pirates. A treasure chest is the most sought after prize, and they will go to great lengths to get it and keep it. The treasure may be wealth, gold, power, etc...Normally a material, earthly posession, that truly only leads to destruction, selfishness, and evil. Then I think about what my treasures are. I've noticed that I place an awful lot of importance on material things. Things that will rust, rot, and be destroyed. But, my relationship with Christ should be (and is) my most precious treasure. If this is what I value most then my thoughts and heart will be with it. I am constantly reminded by this verse to do a priority check, and examine where I am storing my treasure. If it is not in God and in heaven, then it is on myself and earthly things, and changes need to be made.


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