Sunday, November 05, 2006

Point to Ponder

Read this previous post: Love your enemies
What do we do when our prayers for our enemy's prosperity come true...when good things happen to those who have deeply hurt us. Do we get frustrated and bitter because God has answered our prayer? If so, it makes you(me) wonder what exactly was I meaning when I was praying for my enemy? Maybe I didn't mind if he prospered a little, but when God takes it to the extreme, what is the reaction? I'm struggling with this lately again, as this is the month that my ex, of a 1.5 yr relationship, now 8 months later is marring a mutual friend...sorry to bear my baggage, but I've been feeling the need to voice my situation ...I've decided just to focus on how God has answered my prayers, as unknowingly I was of how powerful they indeed were.


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